Thursday 15 September 2011

Riots: Not Root of All Problems

The 'riots' earlier this year have cost our country in excess of £100 million and all the media coverage is focusing on how they are ruining the economy. This is not surprising as the majority of looters did in fact turn out to be working class youths, and within this mainly men; this conveniently provided the police and the government with a perfect opportunity to shift attention to those seen in our society as `typical delinquents`.
However, the same media coverage was not received for the bankers in the UK who from 2008 to this date have managed to rack up a debt of around £940 billion (as of July 2011). Surely this is what is really ruining our economy?
These high-flying workers have broken down our country and continue to cause trouble, leaving the general public to pay for all their mistakes.
The recession was all over the news in 2008, but now is rarely mentioned on television as all attention is shifted to events such as looting which is now used to blame for the state of the economy. The recession is still a big problem that the UK is dealing with and although we were all told that we were out of the recession, this does not mean we do not have to worry.
The country is still in great debt and things are not looking promising for the future, especially when the establishment is hiding the truth from everyone.
The public need to know that the riots are not the cause of all the UK's economy problems!